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One of the most important aspects of working with a good editor when developing a book is intangible. Writing is a solitary endeavor. We try, sweat blood and tears, and lose a เซ็กซี่บาคาร่า pound of the proverbial flesh, wondering if the work is good or terrible, great or terrible; we have to interrupt everything and start again. And while authors need external eyes on nuts and bolts, elements of design and characterization, and style, it simply provides a framework for adjustments and adjustments.

A nice view not only of what works, but also of what doesn’t, and more importantly, why both. The most important here is how to solve the problems.

But as has been said, perhaps the most useful of all the aspects a good editor can handle is emotional.

And I don’t mean it manually, even though it should really be part of the script. We all need encouragement; a voice comes outside and says, “Sure, you can handle it.” All writers need to know that someone somewhere sees the potential of their characters in their story. This is one of the things that always gives you the necessary blow to the arm that you have to pierce. Often, when a writer sends me his work, he has exhausted his skills, is stuck or just injured and does not know how to improve the book. The idea of ​​another revision or even Polish, much less attention to the development of books, led him to devote himself to baccarat. “I just won’t see it again,” is a common chorus. And often thinking about another revision, once I’m done, will confirm your stay, even if you send it to me. “Yeah,” I heard a lot!

But the strangest thing happens when I send the author a package home that contains a detailed adaptation of his book, along with deep, extensive and very specific criticism. I can’t explain why it happened, but it is. And it always makes me laugh.

A completely different person always calls me than the skeptic who originally had contact with me. Although the first reaction is usually a sense of amazement, it passes quickly. His voice was filled with excitement, the pace growing faster. “I understand what you’re saying! And can I use this suggestion, or what if I do? Will it work?” Keep his voice.

If, for whatever reason, you work with a true novelist – someone who takes care of all aspects and elements of good writing – creativity will fall apart smoothly and openly. Inspiration flooded the wind and the keyboard. The characters come from completely different angles, deepening, expanding, expanding themselves and the story that affects them today. And a writer who was or was ill of it all just flew over the moon.

Writers are very grateful for these many events. It’s a pleasure to watch. Thank you very much, but I benefit almost the same. A few things are more satisfying than hearing the excitement of the voice, the pulse and knowing – because it always happens – that a new and better writer has been born. And with that comes the beginning of a good book.